Building Pest Inspection Melbourne

Building Pest Inspection Melbourne service is meant for checking any building or property to identify existing pest types. A pest infestation can worsen the condition and worth of the property notably. Our pest inspection expert will find out and suggest for the pest control treatment accordingly. This service helps in early detection of the pest presence, so you get enough time for exterminating them before it takes the infestation form.

Building Pest Inspection Melbourne

The pest inspection service is specific as well as general for all pests. Depending upon your need, you can choose the type of inspection. You can choose from the following:

Building Pest Inspection: All the corners, rooftops, floor and other spaces are thoroughly inspected to detect the varieties of the pest existing in the building. It helps in proper pest extermination and making the building pest-free.

Property Pre-Sale: If you are selling a property, get pest inspection service and make it pest-free with the help of inspection results. It will add-on to property prices.

Property Pre-Purchase: In a way to purchasing a new house, get Building Pest Inspection Melbourne service and pest treatment accordingly before your shifting. In this case, the property will remain pest-free for a long time.

Pest Specific Inspection: If you have observed some signs of a specific pest, we can look for their presence. This inspection service will be particularly for that pest.

General Pest Inspection: If you have no idea about the pest, go for general pest inspection service. In this, all types of pest will be detected which are part of our inspection service.

Types Of Infestation We Diagnose and handle During Building Inspection?

  • Rodents
  • Wasps and Bees
  • Cockroaches
  • Mosquitoes
  • Bed bugs
  • House Fly
  • Silverfish
  • Moths and Fleas and more.

What areas do we inspect for the pest?

Our professional pest inspectors are highly qualified and experienced for identifying the pest types with their signs and movements. We are also supported by modern techniques to find their movements and hideouts.

Building Pest Inspection Professionals

We look into the following areas:

  • Interior of the building
  • The exterior of the building
  • Under-floor space
  • Roof Space
  • Wood walls and floors
  • Garage and basements
  • Corners and crevices in the building etc.

Report of the Building Pest Inspection

Pest Inspection Services

Building Pest Inspection Melbourne service will provide you with the overall inspection report. The report mentions the types of pest which were found in the property. We also mention the specific part of the property where the pest can easily grow. There will be a table of the area of the property and types of pest found in it, to make the report very clear for a buyer or seller. The owner can get the pest control treatment as per the report of the inspection to have good value for their property.

At Marks Pest Control, we have a team of proficient pest inspectors who can easily detect both the existing as well as non-existing pest. Our team is facilitated with all the modern equipment for a pest inspection so that the report be accurate and useful. So, if you are in a way to buy or sell a property and worried about pest infestation in that, please call us and get the best help from our experts. Book for the building pest inspection service with us, if required.

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(+61) 482 074 889